Sunday 4 January 2015

ANIME REVIEW: Hyouka [spoilers]

I just recently finished watching Hyouka, and let me say it gave me the creeps.. I love the idea of mystery, "romance" and comedy in one but I get scared quite easily ahaha. This series is 22 episodes long and there haven't been any mentions of a second season (which bothers me so much). I have mixed feelings about the anime because the concept is wonderful, I love the story line, characters and their development BUT the ending felt incomplete to me.
*SPOILER ALERT* okay so the two main characters obviously have feeling for each other but they didn't confess or express there feelings towards each other by the end and that's why I am upset that there is no season 2. I also heard from my friend that recommended this to me that the manga ended this way too, I'm not sure if that's true because I haven't read it.
I feel as though this anime is a hit or miss for people. I love everything about it except the ending but some people may be able to like that and accept that. There isn't too much I can say about this anime considering I don't want to spoil too much because it's mystery and it's too short to say much about it. I hope I did okay for my first ANIME REVIEW! Please leave suggestions and recommendations down below!
 ~xoxo, omg-pandas

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